
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Celestron NexStar and INDI/Ekos

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Hi everyone!

I have several questions about the subject (connection to the PC is done through remote control):
1) As far as I understand after powering up the telescope it must be initialized from the remote control (time settings, star alignment). Is there any way to do it remotely under Linux? I know about virtual remote control under Windows, but it has a huge disadvantage - it actually represents a separate remote control, it doesn't change anything in the physical one remote control. Is there any fully remote solution?
2) I know (but still didn't try it out) that Ekos can align the telescope. But here rises a question - there is stored the alignment data? As I can understand it is not sent to the remote control of the telescope, right?
9 years 5 months ago #2496

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Yes, these facts about NexStar are right. We use a CGE Pro here and have to do the initial procedure (time and some kind of alignment (mostly we choose the one star alignment although taking the old one is enough thanks to astrometry.net) manually :( There is something called NexRemote which is able to perform remote stuff without hand control. But as it is windows only software and also not really remote as a USB/RS232 connection to PC is required.

@2: Yes, there is no information sent to the mount as NexStar doesn't support it.
9 years 5 months ago #2497

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- yes, I mentioned this piece of software in my question (but yes, without the name). But as I said it doesn't represent a remote control for remote control (sorry for inception :) ), it's just a separate remote control :(
- from here arise another question - what actually does the tracking when the mount is controlled remotely from PC? For better understanding here is an example: Telescope is powered on and aligned from it's physical remote control; after that I go to the PC with Ekos and perform alignment from it; question - who does the actual tracking after that (alignments are different on remote control and PC, we can be sure about that)?
9 years 5 months ago #2498

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The mounts performs all tracking. Ekos just plate-solves and tells the mount "Hey, THIS is the RA/DEC coordinates of whatever you're looking at now" and the mount's firmware is ought to make use of that in the next slew, but tracking is done by the mount and corrected by autoguiding.
9 years 5 months ago #2499

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I understand that motors are controlled exclusively by mount... But I still don't understand one thing - are the alignments of the telescope and Ekos synchronized or not? Because if not, in case user put from PC to track Jupiter for example, in 5 minutes telescope can "lose" the Jupiter (especially in case of bad alignment done by using the remote control) :unsure: Is Ekos sending a command to Celestron NexStar which changes its internal alignment? I hope you understand where my frustration lies... :blush:
9 years 5 months ago #2504

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No, once the telescope tracks an object, no further commands are sent. The only way a correction is done is via autoguiding.
9 years 5 months ago #2506

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So, basically, Ekos alignment is another layer of alignment, on top of the telescope's alignment, right? It just corrects not that good alignment done using remote control...
I have another question. We have an ATIK Titan camera with an autoguider port. How the autoguiding is actually achieved - is still the PC detecting the need of corrections and sending the commands through the camera (camera is sending the commands in such a setup, yes?), or after a preliminary setup camera is sending the commands by itself?

lupinix, the idea of involving astrometry in the process of alignment of the remote control is brilliant, but how do you implement it? If using Ekos it should fail because the telescope is not allowing any movement sent by PC till it is not aligned :unsure:
9 years 5 months ago #2507

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Yes, Ekos alignment uses astrometry.net to find the real RA/DEC center whatever the telescope is looking at and then sync the telescope coordinates to the real coordinates as extracted by the captured image. For autoguiding, you select a guide star and Ekos monitor changes in its position and sends corrections to keep the guide star in place. All the corrections are done by Ekos but is sent through whatever ST4 port available, usually from the guide camera itself.
9 years 5 months ago #2510

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Sorry if I start to look dumb but... I still don't understand it fully :blush: I understand how Ekos is finding the real position of the telescope, but does it change anything in the telescope parameters (in the remote control) or it just stores on PC corrections needed to compensate not that good alignment of the telescope?
Ok, so it means Ekos is the one who is deciding if corrections are needed. But why to send commands through camera and not directly to the telescope?
9 years 5 months ago #2514

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The only two commands Ekos use for the telescope are "Sync" to tell the telescope to sync its current encoders to the RA/DEC as solved by Ekos, and "Slew" which tells the telescope to move to a specific RA/DEC in the sky. Ekos doesn't change anything internal in the telescope parameters. The guiding corrections can be sent via any ST4 port, not necessarily through the camera.
9 years 5 months ago #2527

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That's interesting... So there is a feedback back to the remote control (through the Sync command), but the most interesting part is what does the mount about it, is it realigning itself or not?...

Can I give one more dumb question? :lol: Why there is even autoguiding port on CCDs if PC is still responsible for sending corrections? :unsure:
9 years 5 months ago #2530

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If the INDI driver supports pulse commands (like EQMod or LX200 with newer firmware), then you don't need to use any autoguider port. Otherwise, you'd use the ST4 port on your CCD. In All cases, Ekos is sending the corrections, whether directly via the driver or via the CCD autoguider port.
Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by Jasem Mutlaq.
9 years 5 months ago #2552

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