
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Flip mount, I don't understand...

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I've a problem after the flip of my mount. :angry:
I 've a EQ6 and a Quattro 200/800 + AOG. Stellarmate (1.7.9) is on a Rpi.
The guiding is correct, like the plate solving.

But, when the mount flip (the flip is ok), my plate solving doesn't work.
When I see the value of AD and DEC just after the flip (line red), I don't understand.

Could you help me please ?
Last edit: 7 months 4 weeks ago by Frank.
7 months 4 weeks ago #96185

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Hello Frank,

Perhaps one solution is to reset mount model post flip. Check the attached settings.

7 months 4 weeks ago #96189

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Ok, thank you. I'll try that quickly.
Have a nice day
7 months 4 weeks ago #96198

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I've tried to use "Reset mount after Meridian" but I'v always the same problem.
If I try without a capture (so, without the plate solving after the flip), all is right. The mount flip.
But If I do a capture, the mount flip but the plate solving doesn't work.
7 months 3 weeks ago #96278

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What error do you get? Is the FOV too large? and Which algorithm are you using?
Please check out the troubleshooting guide for Align from the link given below:

Please let us know if it helps
7 months 3 weeks ago #96336

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In fact, it's strange. When I track a star, the mount flip correctly. When I use the plate solving, no problem (I use Intern SEP).
All is right, except if I use the scheduler. I don't know why but the mount flip and can't retrieve the correct position.
All is perfect before the flip (focus, tracking, alignment etc.).

So, I don't know if I can simulate during the day a complete session ?
If no, I'm going to try the next night.
Thank you,
7 months 3 weeks ago #96344

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With the latest release, 3.6.7, there is a new flag to help debug things like that.
Under the main KStars Settings menu, choose "Configure KStars", then scroll the tabs on the left to the bottom where you should find the "Developer" tab. There, make sure "Save Failed Align Images" is checked, and then click "Apply" and "OK".

Once you've done that, any time that Align fails, it should save the image in a folder parallel to the logs directory. For example on Linux that would be in ~/.local/share/kstars/align/failed

So, if you experience this problem again, then please upload the failed images and the kstars log (with verbose and all the Ekos modules checked, see www.indilib.org/support/logs-submission.html) to some file hosting site (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive) and attach the link to those files.

Once the issue is resolved, you may want to uncheck the "Save Failed Align Images" if you want to save disk space, or just keep an eye on your disk space. A few images every now and then shouldn't be a big deal.

7 months 3 weeks ago #96345

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Ok, great !
I'll do that the next time. Thank you !!!
7 months 3 weeks ago #96348

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So, I've tried this night and always the same problem. My target was θ Aquilae.
The mount goes to the target, does the focus, align the target and start the guiding. Perfect.
When the mount flip, impossible to retrieve the initial target.
I'm sorry but I can't find the pictures of alignment...

Below the message about the alignment (in french). So sorry but I forgot to save the log (next time)

File Attachment:

File Name: 023-10-11T...terr.txt
File Size:24 KB

And the lost of target.

File Attachment:

File Name: 023-10-11T...0-11.txt
File Size:24 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: pb_autog.txt
File Size:2 KB

If you have an idea, it'll be perfect. :(

I use Stellarmate with a RPI,an EQ6, a ASI1600MC and a 224mc for the guiding. I use PHD2 without the st4.
Thank you,
Last edit: 7 months 3 weeks ago by Frank.
7 months 3 weeks ago #96373

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I'd be happy to look further, but it would be very helpful to have the image and the full log file.
This feature is newly available in the recent 3.6.7 release. Are you running that?
Please check to make sure the "Save Failed Align Images" checkbox is there are checked.
Please show the contents of the ~/.local/share/kstars/align directory, and the ~/.local/share/kstars/align/failed directory below that.
Please make sure all the Ekos modules are checked in the log menu and verbose to file is enabled.

7 months 3 weeks ago #96377

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Hello Hy,
I'm sure to have done "Save Failed Align Images" but I don't know where is the directory...

About the log, yes, now, I know how to do that but I need to wait the next night to do that...

Thank you,
7 months 3 weeks ago #96378

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If you use command line, then it's in ~/.local/share/kstars/align/failed
If not, you can also get there via the logs menu.

Click on the "Open Logs Directory" button on the bottom right

and then navigate up one level to the kstars directory, and then into "align", and then into "failed".

7 months 3 weeks ago #96380

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