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Hi all,

new indi and kstars have just been released for astroarch, feel free to update and as always, should you find anyissue, let us know, thanks!


Hi everyones,

I found this tutorial to create a custom device, but i dont know how to create my Standarfirmata Simple Switcher

This its the skeleton from /usr/share/indi/simple_switcher_sx.xml

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="CONNECTION" label="Connection" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="60">
<defSwitch name="CONNECT" label="Connect">
<defSwitch name="DISCONNECT" label="Disconnect">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 1" label="SOCKET 1" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET01" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="2"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 2" label="SOCKET 2" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET02" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="3"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 3" label="SOCKET 3" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET03" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="4"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 4" label="SOCKET 4" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET04" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="5"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 5" label="SOCKET 5" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET05" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="6"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 6" label="SOCKET 6" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET06" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="7"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 7" label="SOCKET 7" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET07" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="8"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 8" label="SOCKET 8" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET08" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="9"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 9" label="SOCKET 9" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET09" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="10"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 10" label="SOCKET 10" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET10" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="11"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 11" label="SOCKET 11" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET11" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="12"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">

<defSwitchVector device="Arduino SWITCHER" name="SOCKET 12" label="SOCKET 12" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="1">
<defSwitch name="SOCKET12" label="ON">
<indiduino pin="13"/>
<defSwitch name="DUMMY" label="OFF">


I think i need to indicate the driver inside this xml file but i dont know how to do it.
somebody have a custom device and a skeleton working?



Just upgraded to 3.7.1 stable on an StellarMate X update on two different (actually 3) mini PCs.

The screen where it used to be all look like this for the INDI settings.

The RPi4 running 3.7.1 Stable also is the same.

It used to be like this


No sure what you see, but my 3.7 stable version appears to have gps as an option


Hi everybody, like i dont know how to run the phyton scripts from before post i found my own solution to capture images and timelapse usin raspistill, ffmpeg and cron lets go to how i did it:

1 - Use the raspistill tool to capture a simpel image:
raspistill -v -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg

If its works, then go to next step

2 - install ffmpeg and create directories:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/
sudo mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup

3 - Create a new crontab
sudo crontab -e

4 - Paste this code:

#Each minute: Copy last capture from 'media' folder to timelapse directory and rename with yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm
* * * * * cp /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/`date "+\%F"`_`date "+\%R"`.jpg

#Each hour: Move captured files to backup/date directory except last 60 captures
1 0 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_22:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 1 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_23:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 2 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_00:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 3 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_01:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 4 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_02:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 5 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_03:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 6 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_04:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 7 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_05:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 8 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_06:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 9 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_07:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 10 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_08:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 11 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_09:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 12 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_10:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 13 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_11:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 14 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_12:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 15 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_13:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 16 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_14:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 17 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_15:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 18 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_16:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 19 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_17:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 20 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_18:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 21 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_19:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 22 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_20:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 23 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_21:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`

# Each day: make new date directory at 00:00 inside backup folder
0 0 * * * mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`

# Each 3 months: clean and erase all directories from backup folder
2 0 1 3 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 6 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 9 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 12 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*

30-59 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 2000000
* 22-23 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000
* 0-5 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000
0-15 6 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000

15-59 6 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50

* 7-20 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50
0-15 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50

15-30 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50 -ISO 800 -ss 1000000

*/4 * * * * ffmpeg -r 4 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '/usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*.jpg' -s 640x480 -vcodec libx264 -y /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse_current.mp4

That's all folks!!!

NOTE: Raspistill only works upto buster raspbian OS.

For Bullseye raspbian OS or lastest Boookworm, use libcamera tool instead of raspistill, you can see kit instructions for libcamera here:


Great, I'll be interested to hear how you get on.



Thank you again for looking at this. I've printed off screenshots of your recommendations and will be trying them next time I go out. .


We did a clean up with storage of UI attributes, which seems to have unexpected side effects. Good to hear that using a new profile resolves the problem.



Thanks, Wolfgang! Starting with a fresh profile appears to have fixed the problem, at least according the limiting testing I have done with the telescope + mount set up in my basement. (Given the current Michigan weather forecast and my travel schedule, I may not be able to image again before the end of June.)

Here is what I found:

  • Whenever I am using the old profile, the meridian flip hour angle reverts back to 1° not just when I run a plate solve, but also when I take a single exposure in the focuser module. Also, when I start KStars, the hour angle always shows up as 1°.
  • With the new profile (all components and optical trains identical to the old profile), the HA no longer reverts to 1° after taking an exposure in the focuser module. And when I quit and re-start KStars, the HA now retains its previous setting.

It looks like something in the old profile did not transfer over properly when I recently upgraded from KStars 3.6.7 to 3.7.0.

Clear skies,



In older versions, you could select how KStars obtained the date/time, which you could define for GPS to update.
You went to the Settings -> Configure KStars -> INDI

Now, that option is no longer there. Is KStars automagically using GPS if you have GPSD or similar configured as a device?
I have spent over an hour looking for this setting to see if it h as been moved, but unless I overlooked it, it is no longer there.
How do you specify now which option(s) KStars should use.


I have a new raspberry Pi5 with Stellermate OS installed.
I also have a MacMini near it. Both are connected to my home network via Ethernet,

After I stop using the Stellermate Pi for several hours (like in the day after a god night imaging) the Pi disconnects the Ethernet, I have to reboot to get it back.
However, the Mac on the same network and right next to the Pi never losses the connection.
I swapped out ethernet lines and it made no difference. The Mac stays connected 24/7. The Pi loses it.

Note that after booting, the connection will stay on all night s long as I am using it. No issues with KStars all night and controlled from my home.
But a few hours after quitting KStars for the night, I have to reboot to get the connectional again.

Any ideas?


Hi Keith,

I was just playing around with some of your data as there was something that was bothering me when I first looked that I didn't get to the bottom of, which is why you were getting zero stars with the Default Convolution parameter (which I've never seen before). The reason is that StellarSolver is getting a deblending error. I don't know exactly why at the moment, I suspect it's a bug and if I had to guess, it's probably related to the size of the sensor.

Anyway, you don't really need deblending for Focusing so if you disable it (set Thresh = 1) then I think it will work well. This is an example of your focus data (not using SEP) on my test system - solves quite well using SEP. I've taken some of the other restrictions like number stars off as I have a fast enough machine to process this, as well as the 10 pixels max star size and ellipse constraint...

I'd also recommend using "Refine Curve Fit".


Greg Lynes replied to the topic 'PHD2' in the forum. yesterday

Thanks for your responses, I found after a lot of digging that the issue was with the latest release of PHD2 and Sonama and there was a macfix version but that was buried in the forum.
I will look at the built in guiding, I currently use an ASIAIR plus but wanted to check my options incase it failed or I wanted to use non Zoo products.
There seems to be a lot to learn win EKOS so at least it will keep me busy for the foreseeable future. Any recommendations of tutorials would be appreciated.


Greg Lynes replied to the topic 'PHD2' in the forum. yesterday

Thanks for your responses, I found after a lot of digging that the issue was with the latest release of PHD2 and Sonama and there was a macfix version but that was buried in the forum.
I will look at the built in guiding, I currently use an ASIAIR plus but wanted to check my options incase it failed or I wanted to use non Zoo products.
There seems to be a lot to learn win EKOS so at least it will keep me busy for the foreseeable future. Any recommendations of tutorials would be appreciated.


Hi Axel,
that's strange, I cannot reproduce it with simulators. Sometimes it's helpful trying it with a fresh profile and fresh optical trains.

Btw.: to which value is the MF angle set when you start KStars?
