dmsummers wrote: Hi JRS,
Maybe my question is better stated as a "wish" for Ekos to evolve towards a server architecture so that real-time planetarium/planning functions could be fully separated from remote scheduling/sequencing/device control. These two functions really do seem best solved on different computing platforms....laptop/tablet (astronomer) and remote Pi4 (telescope/gear) respectively. Maybe someday, after I get more familiar with the development environment, I can look at the "Tool" definition for Ekos within Kstars and play with this concept. On the other hand, by the time we have Pi-5/6, the performance will be so good that it won't matter any more. Until then, thanks for the chat and....clear skies...

Yes! I was thinking about this after re-reading your question. Some of the functionality really needs to be more Client/Server oriented. It would be great if the scheduling functions could simply point to a database on the pi, and a process on the Pi that would monitor jobs in the database. Feature request Jasem?