
I have noted that there are some relatively recent changes to the capture files in Ekos. The file name and location can now (nicely) be handled much more flexibly. But the target name, previously in the <RawPrefix> keyword, is no longer added.
I have a relatively large number of older capture files that thus might need some intelligent editing. But first it would be good to understand this a bit more:

When the RawPrefix is no longer present in the capture file, from where is the target name found, to be included in the file name and in the fits header? I might image up to 50 targets per night (variables) so it is imperative that I have this very clearly sorted.

Secondly, if the RawPrefix (and target name) is no longer included in the capture file, this might allow a more flexible usage of them. Instead of having one capture file per target, I could have one capture file per type of capture (say, 3 images of 180 secs in V-filter) and reuse this for several targets (previously this did not work since they all were labelled with the same target). Is this true?

Or am I missing something here?
