I assume you were using the CCD Simulator to simulate position information? If so, I would do the "goto" command on the simulator to fake the position and then move the scope manually. It is important that whatever system is being used for the position information is actually accurate to where the scope is pointing to the use the position option. If you uncheck the position then this won't matter, but it will be much harder for the solver to solve. It will take longer, it will use more power, and it will be more likely to fail in the solve.

If you are regularly getting crashes when you are trying to solve, I would suspect that you have an issue with your option to "load all indexes into memory." That is an option in the profile. You might edit whatever profile you are choosing to use and uncheck that box then save the solver profile. Some people are running KStars on a system that misreports the amount of memory it has available. That would be by main guess. So if you are getting crashes while using the internal solver, try unchecking that box.