The main telescope of the club sits on a GEM (Knopf) and is driven by an FS-2. The INDI lx200fs2 driver is used when I connect my laptop (Ubuntu + KStars bleeding edge INDI-Kstars update). I have not found a TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE switch. Until now club member users of win CdC (with the latest version no longer working with the FS2) have always manually slewed the mount, powered the FS-2 off and on again, re-acquired a reference star, synced and then manually drive the dome to align the opening with the CDK20. All rather time consuming; especially when there are visitors.

So is there a TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE switch in the LS200* driver? It is not in LX200basic. *=? Where is it?

I am still working on the dome automation: Testing an arduino nano+HMC5883L digital compass today....
