So I finally got brave enough last night after testing several rounds of alignment and park/power off/power on/select object on the mount manually to try it with the Indi driver.

I've used the mount enough now to know what to expect, but what I got from the Indi driver were several problems.

The first test I did was park,p/off, p/on, select object (it take a GPS fix the first time), and then slew to object manually. I then connected Indi via RS-232 cable and USB converter which has worked well with the Meade AutoStar software.

Once I could see the LX200 target icon on the KStars map I slewed to an object and that worked great.

But then things got interesting and trying to park, p/off and p/on the scope via the Indi dialogs.

- It fails to get a GPS automatically like it does after slewing to an object the first time after park, p/off, p/on. This leads to wildly incorrect slews.
- The focuser doesn't appear to work from the software
- It issues the get GPS command manually but fails to get a fix
- It got stuck in a park state where it wouldn't accept slew commands, even after power cycling the mount. I forget the precise sequence, but due to the stuck park state and the GPS fix not working I lost my alignment when I selected an "unpark" option in the software and the hand controller rebooted. I only selected unpark because the software seemed to be stuck in the park state and showing errors to that effect. I quit trying Indi at this point with the mount and went back to Meade software :-(