I have this working with the simulator the other day, But now it is failing.

When I try to solve the output from the CCD simulator I get the following error with verbose enabled in the log:

2016-12-05T19:35:10 Solver failed. Try again.
2016-12-05T19:35:10 Reading input file 1 of 1: "/tmp/fitsnH6654"...
2016-12-05T19:35:10 /usr/local/astrometry/bin/solve-field --no-verify --no-plots --resort --downsample 2 -O -L 26.5497 -H 36.6805 -u aw -3 23.4917 -4 30.5514 -5 30 -W /tmp/solution.wcs /tmp/fitsnH6654
2016-12-05T19:35:10 Starting solver...
2016-12-05T19:35:10 Image received.
2016-12-05T19:35:09 Capturing image...
When I try to run that command by hand I get this error:
/usr/local/astrometry/bin/solve-field --no-verify --no-plots --resort --downsample 2 -O -L 26.5497 -H 36.6805 -u aw -3 23.4917 -4 30.5514 -5 30 -W /tmp/solution.wcs /tmp/fitsnH6654
Reading input file 1 of 1: "/tmp/fitsnH6654"...
Usage: image2pnm [options]

image2pnm: error: no such option: --mydir
augment-xylist.c:589:backtick Failed to run command: /usr/local/astrometry/bin/image2pnm --infile /tmp/fitsnH6654 --uncompressed-outfile /tmp/tmp.uncompressed.gjITLS --outfile /tmp/tmp.ppm.zved0D --ppm --mydir /usr/local/astrometry/bin/solve-field
 ioutils.c:567:run_command_get_outputs Command failed: return value 2
My options for the plate solver in the Ekos screen are
--no-verify --no-plots --resort --downsample 2 -O -L 26.5497 -H 36.6805 -u aw -3 23.4917 -4 30.5514 -5 30