Running a remote machine with INDI-Webmanager can cause a totally missmatched connection procedure if you do not control the start of indiserver via 'profile editor' ('INDI Web Manager' not checked!).
In my case I cannot connect directly the ports 7624(indiserver) and 8624(webmanager) at the remote site. I have to install an SSH-tunnel for them and to start the drivers with the webmanager "by hand" (through SSH). The first connection from my home PC works well. However when disconnecting and reconnecting from home I get a lot of error messages from the mount: As far I was able to analyze the situation, it seems that EKOS wants to adjust some mount settings (like time and location) BEFORE connecting to the mount!
Please note: This happens only if EKOS is not in control of the webmanager (see above). Reconnecting is handled well and EKOS establishes a connection BEFORE sending more settings. (I tested it on the internal network of our observatory)