I can connect two camera with this modification. Ekos see it as "Meade Deep Sky Guide" and "Meade Deep Sky Guide 2".
Whichever camera I choose, preview is from the same camera. Have I change some name etc?
The properties of each camera in the Indi control panel are correct (image size .... etc).

handle = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
        if (!libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &desc))
            if ((desc.idVendor == 0x156c) && (desc.idProduct = 0x0101))
                dev = list[i];
                if (libusb_open(dev, &handle))
                    dev = NULL; 
                else // device opened - check is already claimed
				   if  (!libusb_claim_interface (handle,0)) 
				    libusb_release_interface (handle,0); // first dsi found not claimed - end loop