Could I inquire as to the latest on this, please?

I have the Pi HQ Camera and want to try it in an All Sky Camera. Previously I have been using ZWO cameras for this with RPi 3B, in particular the ASI178MC but this is a relatively old camera and needs quite a lot of cooling (using 60s exposures) to reduce thermal noise and hot pixels. This system has worked well with KStars/Ekos/INDI but cooling has produced a complicated setup - cooling the case of a non-cooled astro camera is inefficient. I have friends who would like to make an ASC too but ZWO astro cameras are expensive and would be interested if I can get it working with a cheaper camera.

My thinking is that the Pi HQ Camera is a much later addition to the Sony sensor range and could well be a lot more advanced and more sensitive in spite of smaller pixels.

To summarise, I'm looking to use the Pi HQ Camera with INDI and RPi, maybe the RPi Zero, using exposures of around 30s to 60s.

Thanks in advance.