wotalota created a new topic ' Adding a 3rdparty driver' in the forum. 1 year ago

I want to submit sources for a roll off roof driver to be added to the 3rdparty drivers.
I forked the indilib/3rdparty repo to github.com/wotalota/3rdparty which has the files added to a directory indi-rolloffino.
- Added the driver to the 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt
- Added a 3rdparty/indi-rolloffino/indi-rolloffino.spec file similar to other drivers.
A manual build was tested on a system with a indi-full install and the additional need for libindi-dev.

I hope it can be built and be available as part of an install to save users from the hassle of building it. Is there more that I need to do for it to be compliant? Also, can I do a Pull request directly referencing the forked repository or are there interim steps for merging it in?
