That sounds great. Unfortunately my Ekos doesn't provide "Out step multiple". I've got one that I built from source awhile back so I could try the Bahtinov focus metric. (Hopefully that's obviated by the autofocuser!) Like many folks, I'm pretty much a late adopter when it comes to Ekos updates, not wanting to risk a working system for a given bell or whistle. Probably worth it here. Is that in the latest release, or do I have to build from source, do you happen to know?

SEP star detection did not work at all well for me. I got much, much more reliable results with "Centroid".

> So for your case, that step should be larger than your backlash.

Just to be clear, "that step" means the initial step size * multiplier, right? So in your example I should ensure that my backlash is smaller than 5 * 20 = 100. Which I'm pretty sure it is, but only just barely.

I probably should have been taking better notes in "debug equipment" mode Friday night rather than "get it focused and acquire some data", but it was such a nice night... ;-}