I'm attaching my log here. I may have a few issues going on here described below. It's the full log from the whole night. The meridian flip starts around 22:50 or so. The object passes the meridian at 22:52-22:53. I had the mount set to allow the flip at 0 degrees past the meridian. The reason for this is the Rainbow mount stops tracking at 0 by default. Issuing a goto command anytime after 0 should cause it to flip. You can see it start the flip at this time. It tries again several times saying flip failed, pier side not changed. I didn't set the flip after 0 because I didn't want guiding to lose the guide star and position because the mount would stop tracking at 0. All that said though, I did on the pervious night set it to flip at 5 minutes past 0, and I ran into all the same problems that happened tonight.

At some point prior to the flip the guide star keeps getting lost, some how tracking rate changed from sidereal to "guiding" which looks like a custom rate and the guiding system can't get a lock on a guide star because it's moving faster than sidereal. I've seen this before a bunch, and this must be a bug or issue with the Rainbow driver.

At some point after a bunch of failures and guiding issues due to the tracking rate change I think I correct the tracking rate by setting it back to sidereal in the Indi control panel. I issue a goto command to go to NAVI which was very west of the meridian at the time. The flip message was still there saying flip failed, retrying in x minutes. After this, I stop the scheduler, and quit EKOS. Restart it, and reconnect all devices, and we're back to normal again.

I'm not super good at deciphering the log, so I included the full log so you can see any settings or things that might be contributing to these problems.
