Hi All,

I have been tinkering with an ESP32 and a Cytron MD30C R2 Motor Driver board to drive a WheelChair geared motor for my roll-off observatory with the intention of automating my imaging sessions.
I started in Arudino IDE and then moved onto Platform IO still using the Arduino framework (as the libraries for the Cytron driver board were pretty much useless).

I am at a stage now when I can control the ESP32 from serial monitor and from an instance of Node-Red running on the cloud (maximising the WiFi capabilities of the ESP32 which are proving to be reliable).
However, I would like to bring everything under one control panel in INDI/Ekos/KStars.

So, my questions are:
1. Is there a way for INDI/Ekos/KStars to ‘see’ my ESP32 running a sketch in C++?
2. If not, how can I go about integrating an ESP32 into INDI/Ekos/KStars?
3. Is it important that I try to learn micropython/Python so that INDI/Ekos/KStars see the same programming language as my device?
4. How do I go about looking for drivers or writing my own custom drivers.

Indiduinopage: indilib.org/develop/arduino/110-welcome-to-indiduino.html , left me no better off and still confused.

Many thanks in advance.