I have been doing some experimenting with the meridian flip for the past few days. I have found that the meridian line on the Kstars map does not match the HA displayed in the Ekos telescope window. It can be a few minutes off. Also the telescope meridian flip point can be several degrees from the actual telescope meridian point and several degrees from the Kstars/Ekos meridian. To enable an automatic meridian flip, an object must be selected that is East of meridian for both the telescope mount and Ekos. And the flip is executed successfully only if the mount is West of the mount meridian point when the meridian flip goto command is sent to the mount.

Things to do to investigate the issue:
1) In Kstars select an object just East of the meridian line and note the HA time when that object actually crosses the line. HA = 0 is the reference time for the triggering of the goto command that causes the meridian flip. The goto command is sent to the mount when the HA>xx limit is reached.
2) Manually move the telescope with the hand controller or the Kstars telescope movement controls to the point where the counterweight bar is perfectly horizontal. The difference between the telescope location and the meridian line on the Kstars map can be determined by noting the RA position of the cursor on the map in the lower right corner of the map. This may not be the telescope meridian flip point.
3) To determine the telescope mount meridian flip point. select an object sufficiently far to the East that causes the mount to slew to that object with the telescope on the West side of the mount. Periodically press the Kstars goto button until the mount actually does the flip. Watch the HA position in the Ekos telescope window and note the HA position when the flip occurs.