My scope is a 10" dobsonian. The main difference between the two driver is that the simple uses small goto operations for tracking every timing cycle (which causes the mount noticeable shaking), while the other tries to program the motor driver to continuously mowing while tracking.
I don't think that one has better pointing accuracy than the other, since they are basically the same code base, and utilize the same alignment subsytem.
You should not hit the STOP button, sync the only way to re-initiate tracking is an other GOTO. I think this is the case with all drivers. Normally the EKOS hand controller pad should be able to move the mount while tracking, without stopping tracking. There is an issue with these two driver because it was permanently tracking, and taking back the scope to the original target time to time.
I have made a patch for both driver, and it has been merged into the master branch (about a week ago, I think), which tries to solve this, and modifies the tracking target while moving.
So recompile the drivers from github, and give a try to that. You should be able to move the mount while tracking, effectively modifying the tracking target. It is not dead precise, but better than none.
An other way could be if you have a camera on the mount, is plate solving and syncing the mount (driver) via EKOS alignment tab. That is working more or less.