Every astro program does it differently - pros and cons - almost all of them are like going from a Toyota with left hand indicators not a Volvo with a right hand indicator stalk - annoying but the way it is (the difference being it's open source if you wanna change it!)

The Ekos approach is that a sequence controls the parameters of the capture (which are often different by target) - that includes the camera temp settings, then Ekos scheduler simply runs the sequences without having to worry about what the mission parameters are for each sequence (that's the sequence designer's job). it's a flawed approach is some cases, but for the general use-case it works pretty well (error handling is a totally different matter and an area where Ekos needs work eg: pause and close shutter if cloudy but restart and reopen when clear, I've not figured out how to make that work).

There is a simple (if slightly annoying) workaround - use the "Indi_setprop" command at the end or start of your sequence to do all teh other things you need. It's a small amount of work, but if you pop it into a shell script, you can design it once and all your sequin eyes can reuse it - if you ever change your mind about the type of cemra etc, it's a simple tweak to one script.