Sorry if this doesn't help you but I just spent alot of time trying to work out why my new sesto senso 2 focuser was enabling debug when connecting (only when autoconnect was enabled). It was the setting in Kstars -> EKOS -> Options -> Advanced - in the log section there was a number of items - all greyed out - but the focuser item was checked. I was messing about with the settings yesterday and enabled debugging and then turned it off (Verbosity: Disable). The setting for focuser was still persisted and was overriding the debug setting to be enabled -> On each time I autoconnected. To fix I had to set Verbosity to Verbose, and only then I could disable the Focuser, and set the verbosity back to Disable.

Strangely now when I go into the tab none of those tick boxes are displayed at all even if I up the debug level to Verbose. I suppose this is because none of the drivers loaded into indiserver have debug enabled?

Sorry if this is just noise but I thought it might be helpful to someone as I couldn't find anything similar on the forum.
