Thank you for your responses and feedback to this suggestion. To summarise and clarify these seem to me to be two more or less separate points:

1) Having the option to add a specific focus target for any job. From a users perspective, It seems to make most sense to place this option in the scheduler, after I select the target and sequence. Whenever it comes to autofocus, the mount would slew to this target, and then slew back to the imaging target afterwards.

2) Having the option to enforce align and/or guiding before autofocus. Choosing a specific focus target makes little sense, if it isn't ensured by the align module to actually be in the field of view. And starting guiding before autofocus can allow for longer exposures while autofocusing (most focusing issues seem to be from not high enough SNR on the stars). As a user, I would expect to find this option in the focus module, next to where I can find the "suspend guiding while focusing" option.

Stay healthy everyone, Elias