Vin replied to the topic 'Meridian flip not happening' in the forum. 3 years ago

Ok. I'm puzzled why that happens even after I've now cleared & purged everything. If a target is set just after meridian (say 1m), I guess its the mount driver that's processing that goto and orienting the mount a certain way? So if the mount driver knows this target is after the meridian & figures out which way it should move, why does the same driver not have the same alignment when trying to process a meridian flip?

(Unless its EKOS telling the mount driver to orient a certain way for the 1m object...but if its that and the EKOS driver prevails, why does the mount driver not listen to it in a meridian flip).

Most important Q I guess is how do I fix this?! Clearly purging the model hasn't worked, so do I need to set up a model and then cross my fingers? (In which case I can't dummy that indoors?)

Thank you