Okay forget plate solving. I have a set up question. Do I have brain fog? Or, did Kstars (EKOS) show both the imaging CCD and the internal guider window with the same FOV overlay on the celestial map? I thought it did. Perhaps I am just remembering that in SkyX which shows both on the overlay?

Also, being relatively new to the project can you re-orient the FOV overlay? If so, how do you do that?

I am running Linux Ubuntu 20.04 and the latest build for KStars and EkOS on several other notebook computers.

Right now all I see is a square with an arrow pointing north. I let KStars let KKOS detect the FOV information directly from the ST-9 CCD camera. I also let KStars computer the FOV. Without the orientation for the internal guiding CCD this overlay, as it appears to exist, isn't very useable other than seeing the area of the CCD imaging chip.

Some anti brain fog would be helpful.