In the document on the page:, regarding image formats it states:Image Format... Raw images from the camera will be in whatever mode your camera is set to (normally either RAW or JPEG). When using RAW images, it is the client software's responsibility to convert these to a usable format via libraw or equivalent. You cannot use RAW+JPG mode it is not supported by the driver, you must pick a single format.

This is in keeping with what @knro states about only one file going back to the client. Not a camera issue, but a driver issue.  I've run across other situations too where the not all the features a particular camera is capable of is supported by the driver(s) required. (a major one that got me was the shutter speeds.  The Ca;pture Module in Ekos has a much bigger set of choices than my camera actually supports. By digging through the log files I was able to see that my camera (Fuji x-T3) supported only a subset of the exposures on the list.O)

This is much more a" try it an see" learning situation than a turn-key one. Give where I live, there is a lot more opportunity to "play" with the system in a non-imaging learning environment than to engage in actual imaging.  (make notes...)