I'm the maintainer of INDI and KStars on openSUSE. You can always find the latest versions for both Leap and Tumbleweed here: build.opensuse.org/project/show/Application:Astrophotography

Leap 15.5:
sudo zypper ar -f download.opensuse.org/repositories/Appli...trophotography/15.5/ Astrophotography

Leap 15.4:
sudo zypper ar -f download.opensuse.org/repositories/Appli...trophotography/15.4/ Astrophotography

sudo zypper ar -f download.opensuse.org/repositories/Appli...openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ Astrophotography


Paolo replied to the topic 'XISF support' in the forum. 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, that'd be a really nice feature to have.
Do you plan to add also support for LZ4-HC and byte swapping?


Paolo created a new topic ' Bad guiding, how can I fix things?' in the forum. 2 years ago

last time I used my equipment (Oct 2021), everything worked fine. Guiding was very good, as it had always been (tot rm ~0.5).
Then I had to send my imaging scope away for repair, so I did nothing up until Feb 2022. I took everything out again (I setup and teardown every night) to do a test session and, while focus, imaging, aligning, etc worked super fine, guiding was a nightmare.
The tot RMS was constantly > 0.7, with peaks to 1.3. I thought I did something wrong, so I called it a day and stopped the session.
Then yesterday night I went out for another test session. This time I did everything perfectly (very good PA, mount 3D balanced), but the guiding results were awful again. It's was like guiding was unstable, tot RMS went from 0.6 to 2.5 even though outside there was no wind (my mount is partially protected from wind though) or animals that could have caused that. I tried playing around with some parameters, but they didn't help much (probably because I don't know how to tune them).

* iOptron CEM70
* ASI290MM mini
* APM 50mm f/4.1 guide scope
* QHY268M + TecnoSky AG70 for imaging

Guiding settings:
* exp time 2.5-4s, then settled to 3s
* remove DEC backlash enabled
* Reset Guide calibration after each slew enabled
* pulse 1000
* max iters 3
* max move (px) 15
* two axis enabled
* gpg ra guider enabled and set to 348
* aggress 0.75/0.75 (I played with those values, some times it got better with 0.5/0.5)

* PEC is disabled
* Kstars 3.5.7-stable and INDI 1.9.4-stable on openSUSE

I honestly don't know what to do to improves things. I've tried PA with iPolar + EKOS, only EKOS, only iPolar. I've tried 3D balanced, a bit unbalanced, but couldn't get the very good guiding I had last year :( and suggestions/tips for me?


Paolo replied to the topic 'Update broke QHY' in the forum. 2 years ago

I posted there what happened and why it's no longer working :)


Paolo replied to the topic 'Help with QHY268M cooler' in the forum. 3 years ago

I also own a QHY268M, and everything is working fine here. I'm using INDI 1.9.2 and Kstars 3.5.5 on openSUSE Leap 15.3.


I've set it to -5C (inside +20) and power went to +100%, and now that is has reached temperature, it's stable at +45.


Paolo replied to the topic 'NUC10 vs RPI4b/SSD' in the forum. 3 years ago

I feel you! I switched from RPi4 4b 4GB to a 240 USD mini PC and the difference is astonishing. I no longer have "weird" crashed (e.g. with gphoto) every now and then that, I think, were related to RPi slowness.
The only regret I have is that now I'll never be able to use the StellarmateOS app! But I favor stability over everything else :)


Paolo replied to the topic 'New features on the Manager tab' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm interested in mean ADU only for light frames. I usually keep track of how it changes during the night. Thanks!


Paolo replied to the topic 'New features on the Manager tab' in the forum. 3 years ago

Cool, thank you very much!
Would it be possible to add also the mean ADU in #3?


nice work, thanks a lot for sharing it :)