I am attaching a python2 (2.7) script from PlaneWave. When I run that on my equipment, it interacts with the EFA properly, so I would say that indicates that there is not a problem with the connection between my NUC and the EFA nor with the EFA itself.

     I then modified planewave_efa.cpp and planewave_efa.h in an attempt to mimic the protocol used in the python script. I am also attaching those two modified files, which do compile and run. I can successfully write the handshake (get-version request) and I receive back the echo (EFA echoes everything sent to it), but when I then try to read the packet with the real response in it that should be the next thing on the connection, I get a timeout. Yet if I again run the python script, it has no problem requesting and returning the version information.

     I am stumped.

    Note: the three files are contained in the attached zip file.