Hi everyone, 
to make my telescope setup less power-consuming in the field, I recently switched to Astroberry. My plan is to use it with the 7 inch Pi Touch display. However, I am running into a problem with some of the programs such as oacapture. As you can see in the attached screenshot, its window size seems to be too large to efficiently work with it. I tried changing this using wmctrl and by editing the framebuffer_width and _height values in config.txt but nothing seems to work, I just can't force these tools to fit into the window because at least oacapture refuses to get smaller at a certain point. I think it has something to do with the font size as the oacapture window yields so much text but even if I decrease the font size to "barely readable", it still does not fit.
Has anybody else encountered this problem and found a solution (or could think of one)?

Thanks a lot in advance! smile.png