Amit created a new topic ' observation planner wizard question' in the forum. 2 years ago

Not sure if this is the correct forum for this question...

I am trying to use the observation planner feature, specifically the wizard that lets me select objects within a specified portion of the sky. I don't understand what it expects as input for the rectangular portion.

From my porch I can only see the part of the sky from the north, to NE to east to south east. I want to look for objects that I can observe only within this portion of the sky.

So I selected Polaris on the north, and Saturn which is currently in SE from where I live. I grabbed their RA and Dex coordinates and entered them in the wizard. But it seems to consistently pick objects only from the part of the sky that I cannot see. I tried different combinations but I cannot get it to work.

I even tried the circular region. I put the coordinates of the Andromeda Galaxy as the center and a radius of 90. The resulting list does not contain the Andromeda Galaxy! So I am certain that I don't fundamentally understand the inputs it is expecting.

Can someone provide a specific example of how to use this feature? If a video or a tutorial exists about this, even better.

I have verified that it shows the correct date, time and place. I ask the wizard to filter by observation time and altitude, but I do not ask to filter by magnitude.