The thread referes to fisheye lenses. The 50mm and the 90mm isn't a wide lens by any means.
The FoV from the redcat (250mm) is 5 times the fov from the 50mm. So the calculate Error is the same for both lenses.

EKos/KStars calculation:
50mm on the asi120mm = 330' x 247,5'
250mm on the asi120 = 66' x 49,5'

if i use to calculate the values it get:

50mm on the asi120mm = 5.50x4,12'
250mm on the asi120mm = 1.10'x0,83'

These are the values i would expect.

When i calculate the Pixel Size back from the 330' on the 50mm i get 17 [?] for a pixelsize - Thats a huge sensor :)


Hi folks,

i already posted this on cloudynight, they pushed me here:

So the calculated FoV in Ekos/Kstars apears to be wrong.
I'm working with astroberry. Local and Remote Kstarts. CAmeras are Olympus and asi zwo 120, different optics (50mm, 90mm (FF) ) and a redcat 250mm
Maybe i just messed things up, but what ever i change the value is always of: 
Picutes are here: 
Hope u guys can help me with that. 
