Agreed: It doesn't look right but that's what it does. I've completely removed the Projects directory, rebooted and tried a couple of times. It fails.

Question: The github build instructions had me install a bunch of libraries, some of which I could find and some of which I could not. Might those be causing problems?

From my .bash_history file:

sudo apt-get -y install libnova-dev libcfitsio-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev zlib1g-dev libgsl-dev build-essential cmake git libjpeg-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libtiff-dev libfftw3-dev libftdi-dev libgps-dev libraw-dev libdc1394-22-dev libgphoto2-dev libboost-dev libboost-regex-dev librtlsdr-dev liblimesuite-dev libftdi1-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libindi-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libqsi
sudo apt-get -y install libqsi-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libfli-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libapogee-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libapogee