I need some help. I have been running Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ for two months. I have a Nikon D3500 camera. I have read numerous postings her an none have helped me. Every time that I try to capture a second photo to the raspberry pi, Kstars/Ekos crashes while downloading the second photo. I can capture the first photo fine, but never the second one. I have successfully done 120 photo sessions but only if I capture the photos to the camera SD card only, I have to use the "Ignore" button in the Indi Panel Image Properties window. Not being able to capture photos to the raspberry pi, prevents me from using a Bathinov mask. Because once I shoot the first photo, I cannot go refocus to take the second shot because Kstars/Ekos crashes. I have created four new images from scratch, even one without update/upgrade and all of them do exactly the same thing. What I do not understand is that I can plate solve even though plate solving may require 4 or 5 photos to converge, but I cannot take more that two photos. Any help is appreciated.