
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Ekos on Mac OS X ?

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Replied by Jimbo S Harris on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Hi Sean,

It was your instructions that got me all compiled and running, so follow the hints your-self-of-several-months-ago gave, and you'll get there, beer notwithstanding :)

I have found that which Hypervisor I use makes a big difference in my success -- I really wanted VirtualBox to work, but found myself plagued with USB problems and instability. I had much more success once I switched to VMWare Fusion. It's non-free, obviously, but the price tag isn't that big ($70 or so), and it has a much better hardware integration between the Mac host and the guest OS (which in my case was Win XP). Granted, the use case I was attempting was hooking all the photo rig to ASCOM on the XP box through the VM, so YMMV if you are only trying to send INDI TCP packets across. Still, having just one USB cable between the rig and the computer was a joy (there was a powered hub at the mount, naturally).

I lost my astro VM in a nasty astro-divorce (long story), so I'm rebuilding my software rig from scratch at the moment. Let me get the ^&$%&(*^ thing running in *(^$(&^ Windows, so I can take some pictures whenever it decides to clear up, and maybe I'll have an appetite to play with "alternative OSes" :) again.

Heck, I might even check eBay for cheap laptops...

Don't drink and sky, ;)
8 years 2 months ago #7415
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

I am wondering whether Sean Houghton or anybody else has successfully gotten an OS X native version of KStars and Ekos up and running yet? I am primarily using KStars on my Raspberry Pi for astrophotography but I would like to have an OS X native version as well. I tried about 4 months ago using homebrew and this git github.com/haraldF/homebrew-kf5 using the methods described by Sean Houghton in his gist gist.github.com/seanhoughton. At the time, I ran into an issue installing some of the dependencies--I believe it was related to Kate--and got no further. Every now and then I have been checking to see if anyone has made any further progress. I noticed that Sean Houghton's gist was updated very recently and decided to give it another try. I got much farther this time, in fact, I got all the way to the cmake step, but then it did not generate a make file. Looking at the CMake Log file generated, this appears to be the only issue:

CheckSymbolExists.c:8:19: error: use of undeclared identifier '__GLIBC__'
return ((int*)(&__GLIBC__))[argc];

I also noticed that there was an Xcode Project in the files I had downloaded from the git repository. I tried opening that up and it successfully built the project, and I copied the data files into a directory that it could get to. Then when I tried to run it in XCode, it failed right after the startup screen with the following highlighted in Red:

Q_ASSERT( false );

and in the console I also noticed:

Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!


Assert in Projector::toScreenVec failed!
using AltAz? true Refract? true
Point supplied has RA0 = "05h 00m 00s" Dec0 = "-66° 06' 00\"" ; alt = "-27° 33' 03\"" ; az = " 179° 04' 06\""
dX = nan and isfinite(dX) is false
Y = -0.472938 and isfinite(Y) is true
ASSERT: "false" in file /Users/rlancaste/Desktop/kstars/kstars/kstars/projections/projector.cpp, line 476

Any ideas? This is as far as I have gotten before so it is promising, but something is still not right.


Last edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Rob Lancaster. Reason: I found this error did not actually crash the program. See my post from today.
7 years 8 months ago #10300
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

I just played around with the Xcode project in Sean Houghton's git again and found that I was able to get KStars to Run natively in OS X, at least from within Xcode!! It turns out I tried to do it too late at night and I missed the fact that I had the kstars build configuration for running it set to "debug" instead of "release". Therefore it stopped at the first error even though it did not actually crash the program. So please ignore the last part of my last post. It actually did work. But the beginning of my post is still correct, the make install from the command line did not work. I still had to open the Xcode project after I used cmake and build from in there. There are still some issues. The icons are not installed for one thing and I did not see Ekos in the menus for another. But this is definitely progress.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq
7 years 8 months ago #10314
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Over the last couple of hours, I just tried a variety of different things to get Ekos and INDI to work in the KStars instance that I am running in Xcode. I finally came up with something that worked. I don't know if it is the best way, or even how well it works, because I only tried it with the simulators so far. But everything I tried actually worked properly, which is very good news. I will try to figure out the icons next. What I did to make it work was:

1. I followed these instructions to build INDI from source and get it installed on the Mac in the proper location: indilib.org/forum/general/210-howto-buil...st-libindi-ekos.html

Note that before I used the cmake command, I followed the instructions in the Mac OS X readme file in the download from the git. This included downloading libnova-0.15.0, libusb-1.0.19,cfit3380, and gsl-2.1, then placing the unzipped folders at the same level as your git download, and then running configure and make from the command line in the gsl folder.

mkdir ~/Projects
cd ~/Projects
git clone github.com/indilib/indi.git
mkdir -p build/libindi
cd build/libindi
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ~/Projects/indi/libindi
sudo make install

2. Make sure you have home-brew installed. brew.sh

3. From here, I followed Sean Houghton's Instructions to install a variety of dependencies needed using home-brew: gist.github.com/seanhoughton/1b2649a2a0ef904d79f9

brew install qt5 --with-dbus

brew tap homebrew/science
brew install cfitsio
brew install cmake
brew install eigen
brew install gettext
brew install astrometry-net

brew tap haraldf/kf5
brew install haraldf/kf5/kf5-kplotting
brew install haraldf/kf5/kf5-kxmlgui
brew install haraldf/kf5/kf5-knewstuff
brew install haraldf/kf5/k5f-kdoctools
brew install haraldf/kf5/kf5-knotifications
brew install haraldf/kf5/kf5-kcrash

4. Then I picked an empty folder on my hard drive to download Sean Hougton's git of KStars. I executed this from the command line in that folder. You might need a github account and password for this step:

git clone git@github.com:seanhoughton/kstars.git

5. Then I ran the following commands to export useful directory paths and use cmake to build the Xcode project (also on his page):

mkdir kstars-build
cd kstars-build
export PATH=$PATH:$(brew --prefix gettext)/bin
export Qt5_DIR=$(brew --prefix qt5)
export Qt5DBus_DIR=$Qt5_DIR
export Qt5Test_DIR=$Qt5_DIR
export Qt5Network_DIR=$Qt5_DIR
export ECM_DIR=$(brew --prefix kf5-extra-cmake-modules)/share/ECM
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.kde -G Xcode ../kstars

6. There should now be an Xcode project in the kstars-build folder. Open that and try to build it. As I discovered, you will probably want to edit the "scheme" so that your build configuration set to "release" so the first error doesn't stop it from running.

7. If it built successfully, KStars should start running. I tested Ekos by connecting to a remote indi server rather than the local one because I know there were problems with the local server on other operating systems before and the remote method has typically worked. As I mentioned, many of the icons are still not correct, but at least it is working.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq
7 years 8 months ago #10317
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Here are some screenshots showing what I have running out of Xcode so far.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq
7 years 8 months ago #10318
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Replied by Jasem Mutlaq on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Wow amazing progress! I wonder if this can be be somewhat streamlined to be easy for users?
7 years 8 months ago #10322
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Yes, this worked much better than over the summer. Once we figure out all the issues, I am sure it can be easily streamlined. First, most of the commands that I listed can be just copied and pasted into the Terminal in bulk which helps. Second, I think the gist from Sean Houghton that i used was intended to be in a script, but I had some issues and had to run it piecemeal. Third, some of the things i had to do separately could be done together in an installer. And Fourth, maybe some of the things I had to install could be encapsulated within the program bundle instead.

Once all of the issues are worked out, I think the optimal situation would be to have it all on an OS X disk image file (dmg) that you mount and then either run an installer or copy and paste the program from there to the Applications folder or somewhere else. That's how mac programs are often distributed if they don't come from the App store

But first, there are still a couple of nagging issues. I worked for a few more hours last night on the icons with no luck. Some of the icons are working but others are not. I thought it had something to do with either the folder where the icons were stored or how they were being loaded. But I tried the ones that were not showing up in place of the ones that were properly showing up and they showed up, so the icons seem to be in the right place and have the right paths. I noticed that most of the ones that were not showing up, like the ones in the menu at the top of the main screen, were accessed like this: QIcon::fromTheme("document-save") but the ones that were showing up properly like in the Ekos Manager window, were accessed like this: QIcon(":/icons/filesave"). I noticed before that the icon themes were not installed so I tried installing hicolor, oxygen, and breeze icon themes but that did not seem to help. I tried changing from the theme method to the filepath method of accessing the icons, but that did not help either. So I will continue to look at it. If you have any ideas, I would appreciate it.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Adam
7 years 8 months ago #10325
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Replied by Adam on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

That looks great, it would indeed be nice to have that as a dmg! :D
When installing Kstars in Ubuntu Mate or Gnome, I am missing the exact same icons like in your second screenshot until I install the oxygen icon theme manually, however it seems you have tried that already.
7 years 8 months ago #10326
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Yes, this past summer, those same icons vanished when I was trying to install on another type of system as well. On that system I had tried to install the Oxygen Icons but it would not install, so I didn't have those icons on that system.
7 years 8 months ago #10327
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Replied by Adam on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

I am trying what you wrote before right now on macOS 10.12 but I already fail at building INDI: When running cmake it doesn't find cfitsio:

-- CFITSIO not found.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:60 (message):
CFITSIO version too old, Please install cfitsio 3.x and try again.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I placed the unzipped folder in the same directory as indi, where also the build directory is created.
7 years 8 months ago #10374
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

Try brew install cfitsio
7 years 8 months ago #10377
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Replied by Rob Lancaster on topic Ekos on Mac OS X ?

You might have already tried that though. I can check a little later today what I did for that part if it doesn't work.
7 years 8 months ago #10378
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