
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Trouble with indiserver and synscan eq5 pro in ras

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Past two days ive been struggling to get indiserver working on raspberry pi.
I connect my mount via usb to serial cable and it shows up as /dev/ttyUSB0.

I setup deb packages from here indilib.org/support/tutorials/139-indi-l...on-raspberry-pi.html

I run indiserver and everything looks ok

$ indiserver -vvv indi_eqmod_telescope
2015-11-20T19:31:03: startup: indiserver -vvv indi_eqmod_telescope
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: pid=7724 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2015-11-20T19:31:03: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<getProperties version='1.7'/>

2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read getProperties GPS Simulator GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read getProperties GPS Simulator TIME_UTC
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.TIME_UTC
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read defSwitchVector EQMod Mount CONNECTION Idle rw
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read defTextVector EQMod Mount DRIVER_INFO Idle ro
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read defSwitchVector EQMod Mount CONFIG_PROCESS Idle rw
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read defTextVector EQMod Mount DEVICE_PORT Idle rw
2015-11-20T19:31:03: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read defSwitchVector EQMod Mount TELESCOPE_BAUD_RATE Idle rw

I startup phd2 and create a new profile. Create an indi mount, leaving everyhing as it is by default.
When i try to connect i allways get that /dev/ttyUSB0 is busy. I checked it multiple times with lsof and fuser, and nothing shows up using ttyUSB0. Im also in the right group so i have permissions to write to it. This is what i get from indiserver. Any suggestions? Its driving me nuts :)

2015-11-20T19:38:11: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read message EQMod Mount 'Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0 at speed 9600'
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 0: queuing <message device='EQMod Mount' name=''>
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 5: queuing <message device='EQMod Mount' name=''>
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read setSwitchVector EQMod Mount CONNECTION Busy
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 0: queuing <setSwitchVector device='EQMod Mount' name='CONNECTION'>
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 5: queuing <setSwitchVector device='EQMod Mount' name='CONNECTION'>
2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="EQMod Mount" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:11" message="Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0 at speed 9600"/>

2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="EQMod Mount" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:11" message="Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0 at speed 9600"/>

2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="EQMod Mount" name="CONNECTION" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:11">
<oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
<oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">

2015-11-20T19:38:11: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="EQMod Mount" name="CONNECTION" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:11">
<oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
<oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">

2015-11-20T19:38:26: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read message EQMod Mount 'Error: -> tty read failed, check connection: Timeout error'
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 0: queuing <message device='EQMod Mount' name=''>
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 5: queuing <message device='EQMod Mount' name=''>
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: read setSwitchVector EQMod Mount CONNECTION Alert
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 0: queuing <setSwitchVector device='EQMod Mount' name='CONNECTION'>
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 5: queuing <setSwitchVector device='EQMod Mount' name='CONNECTION'>
2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="EQMod Mount" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:26" message="Error: -&gt; tty read failed, check connection: Timeout error"/>

2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="EQMod Mount" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:26" message="Error: -&gt; tty read failed, check connection: Timeout error"/>

2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="EQMod Mount" name="CONNECTION" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:26">
<oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
<oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">

2015-11-20T19:38:26: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="EQMod Mount" name="CONNECTION" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2015-11-20T19:38:26">
<oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
<oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by perdels.
8 years 6 months ago #5939

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Are you connecting to the Synscan controller and from there to the mount? Or are you using EQDIRECT cable directly between Raspberry PI and mount?
8 years 6 months ago #5940

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OK, i just now tried it one more time and by some miracle it connected.
Im using USB to RS232 cable from pi an connect it to RJ11 To RS232 cable which came with my mount. Connected to my handheld controller, and pc direct mode turn on. If i try to do manual guiding to test if its working i get this message "Can not guide if not tracking."

If i plug it from raspberry dirrectly to mount, then i get this message
indi_eqmod_telescope: read message EQMod Mount 'Error: -> Mount not supported: mount code 0x80 (0x80=GT, 0x81=MF, 0x82=114GT, 0x90=DOB)'

Now im confused why do i need autoguider port in mount, if this works with cables plugged into handheld controller.
Im probably doing something stupidly wrong :)
8 years 6 months ago #5947

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After an hour or so without errors it started to fail again with this error message
message="Error: -&gt; tty write failed, check connection: Error: unrecognized error code"/>

i did rebot, i restarted indiserver,i checked all connections, i changed usb ports, nothing.
8 years 6 months ago #5948

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To use EQMod driver, you need to use EQDirect cables or something equivalent for direct connection between PC & Mount. If you're using your mount via the Synscan controller, then you need to use the Synscan INDI driver, not EQMod.
8 years 6 months ago #5953

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I've seen this problem using our handsets in eqdirect mode too, on both the eq3 and eq6. I finally tracked it down here on the eq6, when I went out to the telescope to look at it after seeing the error come up, the red led was blinking. Red led blinking on the eq6 means the power supply voltage is low. I had the same error on the eq3 in the office rather randomly, but it has no led to blink and let us know what the issue is. Replaced the power supply driving the eq3 with a much heftier 12v supply (5 amp instead of 1 amd) and haven't seen it since here in the office.

I have had a lot of problems trying to use the handset in pcdirect mode, and finally gave up on that method, then went back to working on the synscan driver that uses the mount thru the hand controller. With the eq3 in the office, using the synscan driver (with recent updates) and the heftier power supply, I haven't had an issue.

On your heq5, when you see this problem, check the led on the mount. If it's blinking, you have found the problem, and it's low voltage on the power supply, which will happen irrelavent of using eqmod driver in pc-direct mode, or using synscan driver thru the handset native protocols.
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Gerry Rozema.
8 years 6 months ago #5955

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This is not entirely the case. If you have recent firmware in the hand controller, you can put the hc into pc-direct mode, then the eqmod driver will work thru the hand controller. BUT, and this is the big BUT, with 3.37 loaded on our handsets, I have found it to be a bit finnicky, and the write errors have showed up a few times. On at least 2 occaisions when I saw that tty write error, the red led was blinking on the eq6, which means the handset is detecting low voltage..

for us, in the long run, the eq-direct cable will be necessary, using the pc-direct mode means you need to press a bunch of buttons on the hand controller when you power it up. That's ok for a test system, where you have direct access to the hand controller. It's not acceptable for the remote installation in the observatory, and for that we'll be using eq-direct type cables which are ordered, but not here yet.
8 years 6 months ago #5957

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Thanks for help. Turns out i was using wrong drivers for wrong ports :)

gerryr: i was considering what you said about voltage too, coz i had trouble with it before but it wasnt the case apparently.

I have one question left. Is this EQDirect cable is different than simple usb to serial one? Right now i tried usb to serial (like this www.negustore.com/products/Accessories-a...-Serial-Adapter.html) from raspberry together with serial to rj11 to mount (like this media.digikey.com/photos/NKK%20Switches%.../IS-SERIAL-CABLE.jpg) but it doesnt work. and i see warnings here (eq-mod.sourceforge.net/eqdirect2.htm) to never connect pc to mount dirrectly :)
8 years 6 months ago #5966

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Yes, the eq-direct is different than a standard serial port. It's a different voltage level, I'm not sure offhand if it's 3.3 or 5v on that connection. Pre-built cables are available from a variety of sources, I orders ours from Shoestring Astronomy, but if you are handy with soldering, it's likely not difficult to make your own by starting with a ttl serial adapter. I considered just using a direct cable from the on board Pi serial port which is ttl levels, but dont have the right equipment to properly build such a cable, and, I'm not very handy with soldering tools.
8 years 6 months ago #5982

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If you want make your own EQDIRECT I can recommend this reading:


I made my cable of an cheap USB-FTDI with 5V Signal levels and an old LAN cable. You just need to be sure about the wiring. So double check before connect. I had no issues at all with my diy cable.

[EDIT] Sorry, perdels already mentioned this link :silly:
--= human, without Windows™ =--
pls excuse my bad english! :)
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by pauledd.
8 years 6 months ago #5988

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I have a box of inexpensive ttl serial cables here, I use them all the time for hooking up to serial consoles on various gadgets. I've bought them off ebay, dirt cheap.

Example here .

If you are handy with doing this kind of stuff, putting a female rj-45 on the end of one of these should do the trick after cutting off the connectors they come with, then you can connect to the rj45 on the mount with any old lan cable kicking around. The ones in the link are extremly handy hooking up to the console on the raspberry pi, it can give you the serial console, and power the pi at the same time, just slip the ends over the right pins on the pi.
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Gerry Rozema. Reason: fix link
8 years 6 months ago #5992

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