Peter Saunderson created a new topic ' PHD2' in the forum. 9 months ago

Here is a newbie question...
I have been exploring indi kstars ekos and phd2. I have a Canon EOS 1100D camera and find that ekos supports both streaming and picture taking. However when trying out PHD2 I find that PHD2 does not recognise the .stream image output so streaming does not work but individual pictures seem to work. I also have an Alba 10M pixel webcam that I have stripped down to attach to my various lenses to take image. Now Alba seems totally unsupported by PHD2 (INDI Webcam) but again is fully supported in ekos. I am purchasing an OpenAstroGuider V3 with the IMX290 sensor with the hope that this is fully supported in PHD2 (INDI Webcam).

Here is my question... given that INDI Webcam seems to work well with ekos and Canon DSLR seems to also work with ekos... how much software effort is needed to support my camera's in PHD2? I have seen the git repos at and that seems to be the best place to start with development of my camera interfaces. I would just be focusing on PHD2 code and work in a Linux Ubuntu environment. I have used QT so wxWidgets dont scare me too much, I have used OpenCV.... so.... where to start!?