Peter Saunderson replied to the topic 'PHD2' in the forum. 5 months ago

If anyone stumbles upon this thread and is interested.. PHD2 is easy to compile...
My initial guess was that the "Unsupported type or read error loading FITS file" message I got came from the cfitsio library.. so I build the latest cfitsio library and PHD2 code and found the same problems.
Next step was to look at phd2/cam_indi.cpp where the error occurs and I find that the HDU number of axis is expected to be 2.. with INDI Webcam and the IMX290 USB camera I am using OpenAstroGuider with 2.9u pixel size the fits file has NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes .. so the phd2 code can't handle this type of image.
Now I am using Linux so I can look at what the sensor supports:
/dev/video0 Index : 0 Pixel Format: 'MJPG' Discrete 1920x1080 .. 1280x720 .. 640x480 .. 320x240 : 15, 20, 25, 30 fps
/dev/video0 Index : 1 Pixel Format: YUYV 4:2:2 Discrete 640x480 .. 320x240 : 30.000 fps
/dev/video2 Index : 0 Pixel Format: 'H264' Discrete 1920x1080 .. 1280x720 .. 640x480 .. 320x240 : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 fps

INDI Webcam seems to find it difficult to select /dev/video0 Index : 0 so by default it give me Pixel Format: YUYV 4:2:2.. - unfortunate because I only get 640x480 images.... working on that at the moment.

Anyway back to phd2.. simply by changing the code to accept NAXIS = 3 allows me to at least see an image in phd2 and allows the loop exposures to work so it will be interesting to see how I get on with the guiding part!!