guyonvarch is friends with Bubbason

Bubbason created a new topic ' EKOS / Rasberry Pi2 and V4l2 CCD' in the forum. 8 years ago

After much head scratching, it's time to der to the experts :)

I have a HEQ5 Pro mount, connected via EQMod and Rasberry Pi which I control remotely via Kstars / Ekos.
I also have 2 x CCD's, one is dedicated to Autoguiding, the other for astrophotography.

The issue, when I run:
indiserver -vv -m 100 indi_eqmod_telescope indi_v4l2_ccd V4l2 only grabs the first video port (/dev/video0) and ignores the second CCD.

When I try locally, EKOS detects both V4l2 cameras and Ekos shows both the Photo and Guiding windows.

How can I get the V4L2 driver to detect both /dev/video0 as well as /dev/video1?