Last night, I tested the meridian flip in Ekos and found a problem.

I set up a series exposures with duration 900s and the auto meridian flip was enable, then I chose a target which was near the meridian. When the hour angle was greater than 0 (this is the default value) , the scope would not flip automatically until the current exposure was finished.

In my opinion, the current exposure should be abort and dropped when hour angle is greater than 0, then perform the meridian flip immediately and restart the exposure which has been abort before. The reason is that if an exposure is very long (For example 3600s or more, my CCD can do such a long time exposure), the scope cannot track accurately when hour angle is greater than 0. In addition, the scope is in dangerous position and it might hit the tripod.

Based on my view, I urge that to stop current exposure and perform meridian flip in Ekos when auto flip is enabled and telescope hour angle is greater than 0. Then restart the exposure which has stopped before.

Does anyone come across the same problem with me ?