Hi everybody,

beginning Tuesday, today a highschool student and myself (planetarium educator) were able to get AstroPi3 running on a RaspberryPi 3 (headless configuration). Neither of us have much Linux and programming experience so we are quite happy that it worked out. There is just one minor issue:

Our setup is relatively simple, i.e. one mount/telescope and a Canon 1100D. Ekos recognizes both mount and camera just fine.
When we take a "preview" image from within the Ekos menu, everything looks good, we can also save the picture from the preview window. However, when we go back to KStars, slew to an object (which does work fine) and then right click --> Canon DSLR 1100D --> Light nothing happens. How do we take *manually* an image from within KStars?

We've looked in this forum, but either nobody else had this problem or we couldn't find it.

Thanks in advance for your help.