Thanks for the reply I'm happy to help debug if I can. I have noticed running

./indiserver -vv ./indi_canon_ccd

2018-03-22T20:43:37: startup: ./indiserver -vv ./indi_canon_ccd
2018-03-22T20:43:37: Driver ./indi_canon_ccd: pid=15609 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2018-03-22T20:43:37: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2018-03-22T20:43:37: Driver ./indi_canon_ccd: sending <getProperties version='1.7'/>

2018-03-22T20:43:37: Driver ./indi_canon_ccd: Number of cameras detected: -4.
2018-03-22T20:43:37: Driver ./indi_canon_ccd: read <message device='' name=''>

Gives me that output and camera is not detected at all. But from within Ekos the camera connects fine, so it must be something simple, possibly setting or disabling PTP mode?! Ekos asks about it when connecting command line version doesn't mention PTP at all. Would be great to have even a workaround. Frustratingly I can make my camera and mount work individually but not at the same time..