Hello I asked Celestron but their answer was:we did ascom driver only... That's all ! I hope someone Who has good capacities will help us ! Or I will change my CCD camera !


Grégory Spada created a new topic ' External active USB hub' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hello I connect directly with my Stellar Mate box :Canon eos 5d mark II, altair CCD camera, celestron nightscape (not 8300) and EQ8 mount. Ekos recognises my set EQ8 works good, but I can't see images with Canon, nightscape and Altair CCD... Do I need an external active hub or maybe I do someting wrong ? For me it is a little bit difficult to anderstand all explications with tutorials. I need your help Thank you everybody.


Hello Who has INDI driver for nightscape not 8300 ? I can't connect my celestron nightscape with INDI driver nightscape 8300!Thanks


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