christian caramel replied to the topic 'Altair 183m Hypercam' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi, any input more on this topic?
(Planned to use Altair 183c with ekos/kstars)


Hi, I’m trying to automate the process of my observatory with these steps;
- start ekos with a schedule file
(Achieved with python dbus script)
- do the start script (bash one) witch energize the focus, out-focus for 100 steps, reset focus position (its new 0), shut down lights which could compromise shootings.
- unpack mount.
- do the sequence of my night goal(s)
- do the stop procedure finishing with stop bash script
— focus to absolute 100 (in order to be at the same focus when starting)
— reste the focus to 0
— de-energize focuses motor (for security)
— turn on lights to allow cleaning devises and put them in order.

I’ve checked that the option to stop ekos and indi are checked but it seems that ekos still alive...
Because, if I try to launch another observatory script, the start (bash)script is not executed since I got the message “ekos is already enabled”. Thus my focused is not energized and lights remain on.

The only solution i have found is to kill kstars and restart it manually.

Any idea to overcome this problem?
In the future I will try to de-energize focuser motor automatically during expositions



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 09. 1979
  • About me
    Pars Researcher in microelectronics
    Passionnantes for astrnomy and astrophotography