Maciek replied to the topic 'indi_celestron_aux' in the forum. 3 years ago

I've been trying today 4 sync sessions with my evolution mount (all started from alt:0;az:0 and based on plate solving) 3 first I was using "Nearest Alignment" and sorry to say, but was quite bad
first point error about ~20000 arcsec
second ~11000
third ~4000

While using "slew to target" It aborts after few tries at around 130 arcsec error.

Fourth session was using built-in plugging and It was:
first point error about ~20000 arcsec
second 3000 arcsec
third 600 arcsec

And while using "slew to target" It aborts after few tries at around 60 arcsec error.

My issue is still not resolved, You have to use this error prone method with first point directing alt0:az0. If you miss this point by a few degs, your whole calibration process is working bad