Hello everyone,

I'm running into an issue with my Pegasus Focus Cube 2. When I connect all my gear it connects with no issue. When I try to auto focus I get a message saying that INDI Driver crashed. I'm not sure why it's crashing. I am fairly new to INDI, KStars/Ekos, as I was using SGP and trying to move to KStars/Ekos. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance


Hello all,
I'm having an issue with my Pegasus FocusCube v2. It connects with no problem but when I try to autofocus i get a message saying that INDI Drivers crashed. Not sure why this is happening. I am able to step the focuser in/out but crashes when I try to auto focus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Pegasus Focus Cube 2.
I am new to Kstars and Ekos. I have everything set up and it all connects. When I try to run autofocus using my Pegasus Focus...
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  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    09. 06. 1973
  • About me
    Got into astrophotography during Covid. New to this software. May require help.