Tony W created a new topic ' Pentax K3ii with Kstars/Ekos' in the forum. 4 months ago

I've just started testing Kstars 3.6.8 on a macbook air, Pi4 setup. You may have seen my tinkering with the K20D on a similar setup. I made sure the macbook version of kstars matched the version on the Pi4. I'm using the native pentax driver. Astrotracer is on and buld settings are capture and hold.
Running up the connection I connect and then get 2 warnings about ISO and exposure compensation. Then a red error (see below).

At this stage I'm able to update ISO and switch between native and fits. If I set a 1 sec or 10 sec exposure, the shutter opens for the required time, closes and then I wait...for eternity it seems. To close, I abort the capture (this hangs the camera needing a battery reset). for log file trace see below. Any ideas what to do next?