Memory Leak

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Replied by J. Hill on topic Memory Leak

Sounds strange, but I can apparently duplicate the memory leak with those options disabled. Using Canon T6s, Astroberry over VNC. I duplicated with upload to client set. After a few images, I get the "Unsufficient Memory" errors.

I did some testing with the CCD Simulator (with the same frame size as the Canon) and did not notice a memory leak, even looping to the FITS viewer.
4 years 4 months ago #47752

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Replied by Jose Corazon on topic Memory Leak

I should have kept my big mouth shut! I did not have these out of memory problems for a long time - until last night.
I had made no changes to my configuration from the night before, when the system performed flawlessly and collected over 300 frames. Last night it ran out of memory after 113. I woke up to the message on the desktop that there was not enough free memory to report the cause of the crash. KStars had shut down.
I have no clue what is causing this, but I did not change any of the parameters I had highlighted earlier. And as I said, the system performed great the night before, no changes made, no updates, nothing....
4 years 4 months ago #47761

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Replied by Radek Kaczorek on topic Memory Leak

I have just confirmed that after disabling FITS previews there is no memory leak. You can go hundreds of frames with no problem whatsoever.
The workaround to the memory leak is to disable:
- fits viewer (Settings / Configure KStars / FITS / Use FITS Viewer) and
- preview on main Ekos tab (Settings / Configure KStars / Ekos / Capture / Summary Screen Preview)
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4 years 4 months ago #47790

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Replied by Robusto on topic Memory Leak

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Replied by Jasem Mutlaq on topic Memory Leak

The WCS crash is not a memory leak issue, but thread synchronization issue that I thought we resolved already. At any rate, I just pushed memory-related fixes in the hope that it improves the situation. Can everyone please compile from GIT and report back?
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4 years 4 months ago #47833

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Replied by Robusto on topic Memory Leak

I suspected as much - when did the thread sync issue get fixed, which commit hash? It is present in the current release, 3.3.9 (Build 2020-01-02T08:17:38Z).
I did try to re-produce that yesterday from the latest sources but failed, so it does seem like it has been fixed (can't be 100% sure since I was testing on another computer) but I can't exactly find which commit did that.
4 years 4 months ago #47843

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Replied by Hy Murveit on topic Memory Leak

I'm curious if there's a common thread among the people who experience this leak (e.g. I still can't replicate it, and as of recently, I don't believe Jasem could either--I know he's hard at work looking into it). For instance, are you all DSLR users? RGB camera users with debayering, etc?

If you experience this leak, could you please post more details about the minimum configuration you use that will trigger this leak.
camera model and type, e.g. Canon DSLR with resolution WxH, ZWO 1600 monochome resolution WxH, ...
fits, raw, ???
Running fitsviewer while you capture?
Processor (e.g. RPi4) on what OS (Raspbian? Ubuntu 18.04? Stellarmate?)
How did you install KStars (Stellarmate, AstroPi3, AstroBerry, ...)
What release are you using when you observed the leak? (released 3.3.9, nightly at what date),

Also, can you tell how much is leaked per image? (e.g. by running the linux command 'ps aux | grep kstars" after every 5th or 10th image for as long as makes sense) and how that relates to the size of the image your camera captures

4 years 4 months ago #47900

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Replied by Ronald Scotti on topic Memory Leak

I have not experienced the memory link and have not had clear skies to try my cameras (SBIG 8300M and SX Lodestar) other than test shots. But I applied the two settings recommended above and then the issue is that you have no star image in the focus routing. you can pull it up in the fits viewer, but you cannot select stars there.

I am hoping this is not an issue with my setup and have gone back to the 'normal' settings.

4 years 4 months ago #47991

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Replied by Andrew Burwell on topic Memory Leak

I experienced this recently, it’s unrelated. But it seems that drivers for cameras got reset to default values with one of the latest updates. Make sure your camera is set to 16-bit raw. Mine reset to 8-bit and no guide stars showed up.
4 years 4 months ago #47992

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Replied by Ronald Scotti on topic Memory Leak

thanks I will check, but I don't think that was my issue. When I changed to 2 settings back as they were originally, the star window did show up again, with no changes to camera driver.

This overall program is 'extremely' complicated and I find I have to test everything I want to use before hand; otherwise I am sure to have a problem (mostly of my understanding of available options) when I go to actually use a module.

thanks for all the hard work.
4 years 4 months ago #47999

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Replied by Tim Schuh on topic Memory Leak

I'm on a 4GB RPi4 running StellarmateOS, updated via internet between tests. I haven't got a record of the versions that I experienced this issue with since I've upgraded Stellarmate since then. It would have been what ever packages were published when I started this thread.

Camera I was using here is a QHY168C, consuming about 300MB per frame, filling 4GB of RAM in less than 15 frames. Shooting FITS and debayered. I will test again tonight.
4 years 4 months ago #48016

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Replied by Tim Schuh on topic Memory Leak

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