Spas Sl replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hi Alain,

Thank you for the information and recommendations.

Upon visiting the Terrans website, I came across an interesting discovery regarding the firmware for the pro version. It seems that it is not in binary format, which led me to perform a comparison with the official OnstepX firmware. The pinout information should be discernible in it.

I downloaded the necessary files from the following URL:

As you previously mentioned, there is a parameter in the "GUIDING BEHAVIOR" section with the line "#define GUIDE_TIME_LIMIT 10." This appears to explain the issue of the slewing stopping prematurely. If my understanding is correct, it is possible that this behavior is also related to the polar alignment problem.

I have configured the Arduino IDE and plan to attempt flashing the ESP32 with a different time limit.

Thank you once again for your assistance.