Hi all
I want to completely remote control my LX200GPS. I use kstars/ekos for this purpose and I've noticed an annoying behavior of the telescope during the boot phase. Let's say I turn it on remotely using relays and perform the 'unpark', even though ekos transfers all the time and position data via rs232, the LX200 does not appear on the map. If I try to sync on a known position after moving the telescope with kstar's mount control, the position on the kstar map is not synchronized. Someone suggest me to use the command :hIYYMMDDHHMMSS# that bypass handbox entry of daylight savings, date and time. From protocol manual I read: <<This feature is
intended to allow use of the Autostar II from permanent installations where GPS reception is not possible, such as within
metal domes. This command must be issued while the telescope is waiting at the initial daylight savings prompt>>
I saw that this feature isn't implemented on lx200driver yet. I could work on it but my question is: which is the best UI workflow ?
1) A button switch enable/disable direct daytime settings and use this value as flag during the normal phase of date/time settings
2) direct command button set with YYMMDDHHMMSS to pass ?
3) sit in front of telescope and use autostar II keypad ? :)