Hi all, I'm struggling along, trying to learn indi, I'm making some progress now, but I'm having trouble with my ubuntu 16 (kernel 4.15.?
This works on my rasberry pi 3.
indiserver -v indi_simulator_ccd

But on my linux box (ubuntu 16 (kernel 4.15.nn), I get this:
2018-10-23T17:36:53: Driver indi_simulator_ccd: indi_simulator_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_simulator_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD16ExposureCompleteEPNS_7CCDChipE
2018-10-23T17:36:53: Driver indi_simulator_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 20013 died
2018-10-23T17:36:53: Driver indi_simulator_ccd: Terminated after #10 restarts.
2018-10-23T17:36:53: good bye

Any help would be appreciated..
Dan Gray
Sidereal Technology.