Ive done a bit of testing, and I've found something super interesting.

The reason the shutter cable isn't working, its because of any issue within Ekos or Kstars or Indi. Its something to do with Linux and MacOS or an issue with the FTDI cable I'm running.
I used a simple script on python that basically opens a serial connection to the port toggles the RTS Line and see whether the camera actually does something.

import serial
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = 'COM3'
On Windows, this code starts exposing and opens the shutter as long as the RTS line is held high. And when RTS is low, the shutter closes.
On Mac and Linux this code doesnt physically set the RTS line high at all.

I have a feeling theres an issue at a FTDI Driver level for my issue. Ill dig around a bit more.