Daniel created a new topic ' Cooling of CCD via pyindi' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hello Together,

it is my first post here and I have a few questions about the usage of pyindi.

My setup is a Raspberry Pi 3 B with Ubuntu Mate,
I followed the tutorial on indilib.org/develop/indi-python-bindings.html

To obtain a proper installation I had to install libz3-dev, libcfitsio-dev and libnova-dev.
A symbolic link from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so.1 to /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so was needed
otherwise I had the error message ld can not find lz

The following code is working with a "Atik 383L+ CCD" and with a "ZWO CCD ASI120MC"
and is close to the example: indilib.org/develop/tutorials/151-time-l...ith-indi-python.html :

import sys, time, logging
import PyIndi
import numpy as np

class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient):
    device = None
    def __init__(self):
        super(IndiClient, self).__init__()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('PyQtIndi.IndiClient')
        self.logger.info('creating an instance of PyQtIndi.IndiClient')
    def newDevice(self, d):
        self.logger.info("new device " + d.getDeviceName())
        if d.getDeviceName() == "Atik 383L+ CCD":
            print ("found Atik 383L+ CCD")
            self.logger.info("Atik 383L+ CCD")
            # save reference to the device in member variable
            self.device = d
        if d.getDeviceName() == "ZWO CCD ASI120MC":
            print ("found ZWO CCD ASI120MC")
            self.logger.info("ZWO CCD ASI120MC")
            # save reference to the device in member variable
            self.device = d
    def newProperty(self, p):
        self.logger.info("new property "+ p.getName() + " for device "+ p.getDeviceName())
        if self.device is not None and p.getName() == "CONNECTION" and p.getDeviceName() == self.device.getDeviceName():
            self.logger.info("Got property CONNECTION for CCD Simulator!")
            # connect to device
            # set BLOB mode to BLOB_ALSO
            self.setBLOBMode(1, self.device.getDeviceName(), None)
        if p.getName() == "CCD_EXPOSURE":
            # take first exposure
    def removeProperty(self, p):
        self.logger.info("remove property "+ p.getName() + " for device "+ p.getDeviceName())

    def newBLOB(self, bp):
	    #self.logger.info("new BLOB "+ bp.name)
	    # get image data
	    img = bp.getblobdata()
	    import io
	    # write image data to StringIO buffer
	    blobfile = io.BytesIO(img)
	    # open a file and save buffer to disk
	    with open("/home/user/Desktop/"+name+".fit", "wb") as f:
	    # start new exposure for timelapse images!
	    # self.takeExposure()
	    # disconnect from server

    def newSwitch(self, svp):
        self.logger.info ("new Switch "+ svp.name + " for device "+ svp.device)
    def newNumber(self, nvp):
        self.logger.info("new Number "+ nvp.name + " for device "+ nvp.device)
    def newText(self, tvp):
        self.logger.info("new Text "+ tvp.name + " for device "+ tvp.device)
    def newLight(self, lvp):
        self.logger.info("new Light "+ lvp.name + " for device "+ lvp.device)
    def newMessage(self, d, m):
        #self.logger.info("new Message "+ d.messageQueue(m))
    def serverConnected(self):
        print("Server connected ("+self.getHost()+":"+str(self.getPort())+")")
    def serverDisconnected(self, code):
        self.logger.info("Server disconnected (exit code = "+str(code)+","+str(self.getHost())+":"+str(self.getPort())+")")
    def takeExposure(self):
        #get current exposure time
        exp = self.device.getNumber("CCD_EXPOSURE")
        exp[0].value = np.float(exp_time)
        # send new exposure time to server/device
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# instantiate the client
# set indi server localhost and port 7624
# connect to indi server
print("Connecting to indiserver")
if (not(indiclient.connectServer())):
     print("No indiserver running on "+indiclient.getHost()+":"+str(indiclient.getPort())+" - Try to run")
     print("  indiserver indi_simulator_telescope indi_simulator_ccd")
# start endless loop, client works asynchron in background
while True:

So now I have a program, which takes an exposure of specified length and generate a file at the Desktop, but how do I control the cooling of the camera via python.
Do I just need to set the CCD_TEMPERATURE and the camera is taking care of the control loop, or do I have to monitor the CCD_TEMPERATURE and then switch the CCD_COOLER on and off? Is there some example code for this, especially with some syntax example?